
How it started.
CREATE MORE STUDIOS is a brand that I started subconsiously. In January of 2016, I decided to put the phrase "CREATE MORE." at the end of one of my films.
The sole reason I ended the film with "CREATE MORE." was to remind myself to do just that; create more. A form of self-reflection and most importantly, self empowerment. Before I hoped to inspire others, I needed to inspire myself first.

How it evolved.
In Fall of 2019, I was bored in class, so I decided to make some "CREATE MORE." stickers for fun. I ordered 250 of them, put a story out on IG and within 2 days, they were gone.
I realized that people could see a piece of themselves within "CREATE MORE."

After sending out stickers, the next stop was t-shirts. The first round of tees sold-out within 2 hours... I was shook. While it wasn't thousands of tees, it was a really cool feeling to see the brand tangibly worn. Alongside a weekly VLOG series I spent the rest of 2019 and early 2020 making various "CREATE MORE." tees, hoodies, and stickers. I decided to give it a formal definition.

What does it mean?
CREATE MORE STUDIOS as a brand, is defined as empowering individuals to create art, love, and moments through the pursuit of happiness. Although that is what I defined it as, you can interpret the brand however you think it best fits you. Take whatever it means to you and run with it. MY only hope is that this could be a catalyst for creative self-expression in your life.

Who is the brand for?
The simple answer is that the brand is for you. Yes you. If you have come across "CREATE MORE." from my films or merch and you saw a piece of yourself in the message the brand is for you. Now, I understand that is vague but let me further explain what that actually means.
6 years ago I threw the phrase at the end of my film because I needed to hear it. I was in the midst of building my confidence as a creative. I wasn't a "professional" filmmaker or artist I was a 19 year-old kid who was trying to find his voice.

Where is it now?
CREATE MORE STUDIOS has gone in waves over the years but the vision for 2022 is clear. CREATE MORE STUDIOS has three pillars it now stands on.
1. Creative Storytelling Agency
2. Lifestyle Brand
3. Community
Thank you to those that show love to the projects and brand. I appreciate all of you more than you know.

Looking to Collaborate?
Get in touch if you need help telling your story.